Monday, September 30, 2019

El Salvador A Country Report Essay

Introduction El Salvador or the Savior as the name can be translated is a very unexpectedly unique country. El Salvador is a country of many great geographical sites, a strange history, a blackened economic state, and an incredible agricultural base. The country has undergone many changes throughout its history. It was developed, owned, and operated by many different people and forms of government. This ?land of volcanoes? or ?the Savior? has been needed saving of its own for quite some time. 2.0 Geography The nickname for this environmentally hazardous country, ?land of volcanoes? serves El Salvador properly. El Salvador is the smallest of all Central American countries having a land area of only 21,041 sq. km ( The country is also the only in Central America not to occupy more than one sea border, being only found on the Pacific Ocean. El Salvador is contained not only by the Pacific Ocean, but also by the two neighbor countries of Honduras and Guatemala. El Salvador is known more for it?s two mountain ranges both running east to west. The northern most range known as Sierra Madre that draws the border between El Salvador and Honduras. The southern range is a formation of many continuous volcanoes both active and silent. These volcanoes supply El Salvador with its rich soil making it possible for the great exportation of coffee. Climate change in El Salvador occurs more due to elevation variations than by seasonal change. During a calendar year Salvadorians can expect only a four-degree Celsius change due to seasons. The greater change in temperature occurs due to the different elevations. The two mountain ranges help very the climate and land usage of the country. El Salvador consists of a narrow coastal plain, two steep mountain ranges and a central plateau, which is at 600m above sea level. This plateau is only 25% of the landmass in El Salvador; however, it contains the majority of the countries population. Due to over exploitation the country has become semi-barren, and less of the land is of use. El Salvador is a very geographical diverse country. It possesses the same geographical features of the U.S., but all in the same land area as Rhode  Island. The country has become very over populated and has begun to exhaust its resources. 3.0 Pre-Columbian Cultures Before Spain sent men to explore and claim the countries of Central America native people occupied the land. These people where known as the Pipil. However, it is believed, due to archeological assessments that even before the Pipil natives of Central America known as the Mayas and Olmec occupied the land. The Mayas and Olmecs were believed to occupy the land until the 11th Century when the Pipil appeared following the collapse of the Mayan empire. The Pipil people were of a very strong and fierce origin. They were very good farmers and lived mostly on Maize. The Pipil had many small urban centers and a very integrated linked society. The Pipil people lived in their land for over 500 years. After that time Spain was introduced to their country and soon their freedom was lost. 4.0 Conquest Spain had come to Central America seeking wealth, and any landmass that could have that quality they would conquer and claim for the crown. Pedro de Alvarado a conquistador and Lieutenant under Hernan Cortes entered El Salvador in 1524 to conquer the land. However, due to the fierceness of the Pipil people Spain had to return in 1525 and again in 1528 to finally lay claim to the country. Spain found little wealth in the substance of gold and other valuable metals in El Salvador; however, they learned how great a benefit the rich soil of the volcanic country could be to agriculture. Spain soon after their conquest enslaved the Pipil people and forced them into an encomienda system of farming. The encomienda system soon lost favor with the crown and was replaced with repartiemento. Spain developed the country with this system and produced a great deal of wealth during the 17th century in agriculture. 5.0 Agriculture Agriculture is the foundation that El Salvador has been built upon throughout its entire history. Whether it was the Pipil people utilizing the rich soil or Spain controlling the land much wealth was  obtained in the country. 5.01 Indigenous The Pipil people lived as farmers and hunters in the country before any intruders appeared. They sustained their lives on crops such as maize, bananas, and other tropical foods. They traded these crops among one another and were able to be self-sufficient for many years. After the entrance of Spain to the country the natives were forced to work as slaves for the betterment of others. Spain introduced products such as coffee, cotton, and indigo to El Salvador. They found that the rich soil could produce coffee greater than any other country they had conquered prior to El Salvador. During the 17th century agriculture boomed in El Salvador, gluttony filled Spain with the wealth from coffee and thus began the downfall of the Salvadorian economy. 5.02 Present El Salvador produced many types of crops throughout its history such as henequen and cotton, but the country always centered itself on coffee production. Today, El Salvador produces far more coffee than any other crop in the country. Amid the 20th century, 95% of the countries income came from the exportation of coffee. This income was distributed over only 14 families (roughly 2% of population) whose influence has been seen over the countries history (Class Handout). In this way El Salvador takes on many similar traits of other Central American countries. 6.0 Independence Spain occupied the country for nearly 300 years throughout which they enslaved and persecuted the native people of El Salvador. Land control was only a dream in the eyes of the former owners. The influence of the Roman Catholic Church soon brought hopes of a revolution to the Indian people of El Salvador. In 1811 Father Jose Matias Delgado, a catholic priest led a revolt against Spain; however, with the great power of the crown against them it did not prove successful. Meanwhile in Spain, Napoleon led an invasion into the country reverting attention away from Central America and allowing El Salvador to eventually gain a limited amount of independence in 1821. Even though independence was given to the Salvadorian during this time, people land control still  remained in the hands of few. This led to an Indian rebellion in 1833 brought about by a mestizo, Anastasio Aquino. Eventually in 1841, El Salvador found its independence by the introduction of the Central American Federation. This was an alliance against Spain of neighboring Central American countries seeking their independence. Thus began the history of El Salvador, which led to many civil wars, conflicts, and disputes among other countries and itself. 7.0 Economics in El Salvador El Salvador has seen many changes throughout its history, both politically and economically. El Salvador has followed the majority of Central American countries by making itself a dependent on one or two exportable goods. The country has also faced many conflicts in politics and environmental hazards. El Salvador?s economy has inevitably been destined for the worse by the countries governing order. 7.01 Colonial Before the invasion of the conquistadors into the country the Pipil lived a pleasant and peaceful life of trade. The Pipil obtained many small urban centers in which trade among them proved successful. They did not have a monetary unit but rather bartered for what they desired. They lived a self-sufficient life only producing their needs. The Pipil people may have evolved and become a worthy heritage in the world if they had not been conquered by the conquistadors of Spain. 7.02 Early (1820-1920) Soon El Salvador and the rich soil of the land were under Spanish control. Spain found great profit in the enrichment of the land. Coffee, indigo, and cotton yielded greater than they had seen prior to conquest. Spain felt that this was equal to the gold and other values found in the countries surrounding El Salvador. During the 17th century the agriculture of El Salvador was of great wealth, and Spain indulged upon it. The Spaniards developed many haciendas to expand their crops this involved many Indian people to subdue to the work needed. The first evidence of primate cities developed during this time. This would sooner lead to an unexpected need for imported goods and a profound lack of self-efficiency. 7.03 Mid (1920-1980) During and after El Salvador?s independence the country  found itself depending console upon the growth of the coffee crop. 95% of the countries exports depended upon coffee, but still only 2% of the population controlled the wealth (Lonely Planet). The Salvadorians exhausted themselves upon focusing on this item and developed no other means of exportation. Amid the first and second world wars Central America was abandoned by the rest of the world and forced to find a way to survive among themselves. This brought upon industrialization to the forgotten world, and El Salvador attempted to follow the plan. The country produced only the essential items for survival, and chose rather to fight civilly for control of the country. El Salvador faced many disputes during this time, and many forms of leadership. Democracies, civil wars, peasant uprisings, and Military Coups were among the problems that the country faced. It was only during the later years of the countries history that true leadership was developed, and a greater economic scheme was gained. 7.04 1980-Present Primate cities have know become a large part of Salvadorian economy. These few and large cities have been growing without any means of renewal. The country finds itself now separated by wealth and poverty. The fourteen families mentioned before were still controlling the majority of the coffee production and with no found wealth in industrialization El Salvador was growing in debt. The national debt of El Salvador has only grown over the countries history. This is from the foreign aid supplied to the country to help with recovery of natural disasters, and in the form of military aid. Due to El Salvador?s placement in the world it has been faced by many environmental hazards. Volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and landslides due to extreme rainfall give threat to this debt. Also in 1998 El Salvador fell victim to hurricane Mitch. Mitch destroyed not only many of the profitable livestock and agricultural farms of Central America, but also devastated many lives of the people living in its path. El Salvador lost 95% of its banana crop and one third of the countries beef cattle industry (Class Handout). This crushed the already terrible state of the Salvadorian economy and only added to the  increasing national debt. Some current facts in the economic stability of El Salvador can be seen in the following. The currency of the country is known as the collone. Eleven collones is roughly equivalent to one U.S. dollar. The exportation of goods to the U.S. each year equals $732 million. Where as the importation of goods from the U.S. each year equals $1.789 billion dollars. The GDP of El Salvador is $5.9 billion U.S. each year. This is only $1,003 U.S. per capita. The growth rate of the GDP is currently at 5.0%, and has been continuously increasing. However, even with the GDP on an upswing for El Salvador the debt to the U.S. has also increased to $2.1 billion U.S ( These numbers show that with El Salvador?s population, and the amount of GDP to the country that few people have great wealth and even more are in poverty. 8.0 Population El Salvador is a very densely populated country. The majority of the people in El Salvador live in only 25% of the total land mass known as the central plateau. The total population is over 6.2 million with a growth rate of 2.3% ( This population will be doubled in 30 years. Due to the growth rate percent the country is caught between the second and third categories in the demographic chart, but primarily they still are evolving in the second. With this great a number of people in such a small area poverty is unavoidable. 8.01 Urbanization Urbanization has not been a large issue with El Salvador. Although some of their large primate cities carry a large percent of the population, such as San Salvador the capital that holds 1.5 million people, many people chose to stay in rural areas. The ratio of the urban population to rural population is 3:2. This ratio could be explained due to the need for agricultural revenue, and the need for people to create that revenue. With the extent of the over population of El Salvador many people have been forced to find other means of income and a safer home. 8.02 Migration Over population and greed have created poverty in El Salvador and a need for new revenue. This is why much of the income from the country  consists of wages paid from the United States to migrant workers fleeing from El Salvador. $1.3 billion U.S. was sent to families of these seasonal migrant workers in El Salvador. This allows those living in El Salvador to find a little hope in their country and a means of better living. During, much of the time of the civil wars and poverty states of El Salvador many of the countries people began to migrate to Honduras. This appeared to be allowed at first until a wide spread amount of migration occurred. The great amount of people fleeing to Honduras soon became a problem and great tension rose between the two neighboring countries. This accounted for the great soccer riot in 1969 brought upon through allegations that were made about mistreatment of Salvadorian people by the Honduras population. 9.0 U.S. Intervention The United States has always been concerned with the matters of other countries, particularly by the form of the government. When it became obvious that El Salvador may fall into left wing ideals to help with the poverty level in the country the U.S. reacted. It was during the Carter administration that this occurred and Jimmy?s solution was to fund right-wing guerillas in the country. These guerillas were know as the FMLN (Frente Marti Liberacion Nacional) named after an executed leader who brought reforms to the country and a democracy in the early to mid 20th century. Carter soon withdrew his funding after hearing of misuse of the military power by the FMLN. The FMLN became mongers and began to hurt innocent people and become closer in comparison to their socialist enemy. With a suspension of the funding the country fell back into turmoil and was once again caught in left-wing ideals. It was during the Reagan administration that the funding returned with close watch. Soon the guerillas were able to gain control, and force what was to be marked the first time in 50 years that a democratically elected president was named. This man was Alfredo Magana, and he brought some control and leadership to this war shaken country (Encyc. Of Latin-American Hist.). The U.S. has also been involved with El Salvador in other ways. The U.S. is the number one importer of Salvadorian goods mainly coffee. Also due to the great devastation in the country by natural disasters the U.S. has given  foreign aid to help rebuild the economy and lives of the people. If El Salvador can maintain this relationship with the U.S. the countries future is bound to look better than it?s past. 10.0 Globalization The world is a growing economical structure that every country wants to be a part of, and with growing concern about each countries role a hope for globalization can be seen. El Salvador is attempting to do its part in becoming a companion with globalization, during the end of the 20th century the maquiladora system was approached by El Salvador. These small manufacturing companies account for a major part of the countries GDP. These companies are also followed by new trade reforms with other neighboring countries. Trade with U.S. has only improved over the last few years. If El Salvador keeps improving on the relations with its neighboring countries then it may be a substantial part of the world economy. 11.0 Other Facts and Conclusion In conclusion, here are some other known facts about the country of El Salvador. In January of 2001 El Salvador faced a devastating earthquake. The quake caused 250,000 Salvadorians to become homeless, and also severely eroded the landscape (Lonely Some of the native animals of the country consist of many butterflies, deer, toucans, and monkeys. The adult literacy of the country is at 73% and growing ( 86% of the country follows the Roman Catholic religion. The ethnic background of the country is mainly mestizo, which is a mixture of Indian, white, and black (Latin America). Some of the favorite foods consist of casamiento (rice and beans) and pupusas, which is a stuffed wrap. El Salvador is a very unique country that wishes to find its niche in the world. Through much turmoil and disputes the country has for now maintained a solid government. With the continuation of good soil and less erosion the agricultural state of the country will continue to prosper. However, with increasing population the country suffers a loss in GDP, and will only gain a profitable state with better living, less poverty, and other means of income. El Salvador ?the Savior? a country whose history speaks for itself will need outside aid for some years to come. Selected Illustrations El Salvador?s Flag The Country of El Salvador Henequin also a Salvadorian Crop Example of El Salvador?s Terran San Salvador the Capital of El Salvador

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Financial Aid Appeal Letter Essay

My name is Ali Shaheed and I am writing to appeal my suspension from financial aid. I hope that you will reconsider your decision and grant my financial aid. I would like to begin thanking you in advance for taking the time to read this letter and consider my request to reinstate my financial aid at Henry Ford Community College. I take full responsibility for my unsatisfactory completion rate, but I would like to explain the circumstances. I started my first semester at HFCC in winter 2012, and I failed to attend my classes due to my mother being sick, and I had to rush her to the hospital every other day. I had to take care of her because I’m the only one she had. In a result I failed to make satisfactory academic progress due to me not attending classes. This summer of 2013 I went to Baker College of Allen Park to continue my education because they approved me for financial grants, and because I could not afford to pay my classes at HFCC. Now I’m a full time student at Baker and I have completed one class so far and I got an A in it, and I got 3 more classes that I’m currently attending right now, I will attach my classes schedule and registration with this letter to verify and see that I’m serious about this and I want to move forward to continue my education and be successful and never look back, and my I will also send in my official transcript from Baker when I finish the semester in December 16th 2013. I’m looking forward now to go back to HFCC for the winter semester because they got better learning environment and better teachers and it’s the college that I want to finish my education at. I am really serious about my future and I recognize that a degree is essential in attaining a great career. Again, thank you for taking the time to read this letter, and I assure you, if granted financial aid, my education and will continue to be my main priority.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Adlerian Psychology a Dolls House

Alfred Adler is a psychologist who developed a theory that can explain the characters’ actions in A Doll’s House. After many years of study, Adler realized the importance of motivation and how it affected people’s actions. This was later developed into a theory, known as the Adlerian Theory, which states that there must be a motivational force behind all behaviors (Fisher). Evidence of the Adlerian Theory is found in A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen through the actions of Krogstad, Torvald, and Nora. Family and friends are usually the most significant motivation to one’s actions because the concern for his or her family and friends will cause them to do whatever necessary to please them. The influence of family and friends may also affect one’s view of life and this would affect one to act differently in order to carry out his or her new attitude towards life (Boeree). An individual is part of a larger whole, the society, which means that one must to live up to society’s expectations to gain respect and acceptance (The Theory and Application of Adlerian Psychology). This demonstrates how a social setting can influence one’s behaviors. One’s primary goal in life is to gain acceptance and feel significant. The inferiority complex is when one feels a 2 lack of worth (Fisher). To overcome the inferiority complex, one must strive to reach a goal, known as the superiority complex (Fisher). In the process of the superiority complex, one will strive for perfection (Fisher). The determination to be a perfect individual forces one to act certain ways. Due to Krogstad’s desire to perfect his social status, he realizes the first step is to persuade Torvald into giving him his position back at the bank. In order to do so, he must blackmail Nora into convincing Torvald that he is more capable of the job than anyone else. Without a job, he is seen as lazy and worthless by his society, therefore, fighting for a position he believes he deserves would make others perceive him as someone who will fight for what he believes in. This delivers an image of a respectable man to society and this is what he wants. The feeling of worth and significance can cause confidence and security (The Theory and Application of Adlerian Psychology). Also, he wishes to grab every possible opportunity for his children, and without a job, the availability of these opportunities are limited. The pressure from Krogstad’s society to be respected and the love he has for his children caused him to do whatever he can to win back his job. Torvald however, is a very successful man when it comes to his job, but having his whole life revolve around it causes him to drift away from his family. He has become so attached to his new position at the bank and is so caught up with pleasing those around him that he reserves no time to spend 3 with his family. Torvald’s priority is to impress the society with his abilities and he puts his family second. Torvald’s motivation to keep him putting his everything in the bank is the respect he gets from the community. Even though the family is financially stable, he will not let Nora take money without his consent. Torvald treats Nora like a child and does not think of her as an equal to himself (Hardwick). He does this because he wants control over Nora and he craves the feeling of superiority. Because of the power and control Torvald wants over Nora, he refused Nora to borrow money when he was ill. However, Nora borrowed a large sum from Krogstad under her father’s name without Torvald’s knowledge. Nora did not consider the consequences when she forged her father’s signature because she was more concerned with Torvald’s health. Nora borrowed the money regardless of Torvald’s disapproval because she loved Torvald and could not risk him dying (Hardwick). Nora being treated the way she did by Torvald caused her to feel worthless. Torvald calls Nora by pet names which shows Torvald’s impression of her as a child. Nora and Torvald has never had an important conversation in all those years they have been married, meaning Torvald did not think Nora was intelligent or mature enough to understand important matters (Downs). This motivated her to leave Torvald and find her true self. Leaving Torvald was Nora’s way of overcoming the inferiority complex and the process of her finding herself is 4 her step into the superiority complex. In conclusion, one’s actions are caused by his or her societal surroundings or his or her personal desires. In A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen, Krogstad blackmailing Nora in order to get his position back in the bank is caused by his need to be accepted in society. Torvald’s control of all money coming in the household is caused by his desire to be superior to Nora. Nora’s decision to leave Torvald is caused by her need to find herself. The Adlerian Theory applies to these characters because they all have a motivational force behind their actions.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Current Event #3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Current Event #3 - Essay Example hey are depicted to be seeking protection for their psyches, given they are subjected to frustration due inability to achieve their personal objectives. In this case, this notion has led to association of bureaucracy with the negative perception concerning the phenomenon of bureau pathology is justified. For example, bureaucrats are not willing to listen to ideas from other employees; instead, they make decisions that may end up affecting the organization and the entire organization takes the blame. Another example is a case involving a person presents matters to be addressed by the administration; he or she has to wait for a long process that may end up discouraging them. 2) Discuss to what extent "red tape" is a natural and intended characteristic of bureaucratic organizations and whether the fault lies with the laws, the system, the organizations executives or the employees. Use at least two examples or personal observation to justify your response. Red tape is term frequently invoked to represent organizational operations that are perceived to be wasteful and redundant, self-serving and inconvenient; in fact, it is considered the worst connotation of bureaucrats (Bozeman, 245). Red tape is considered to intend attribute of bureaucratic organization and this caused by the system in the organization; the system in bureaucratic organizations may have some regulations that require employees and executives to follow certain procedures that are not necessary; thus, this may led to wastage of resources but they are not to blame (Bozeman, 245). For example, there are organizations that do not have delegation of any decisions, even the simplest once that require application of logic by employees; in that case, this leads to waste of time in decision-making. Another example where a manager is expected to make decision and this has to be subjected to a long chain of officials leading to wastage of time and

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Strategy in action Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Strategy in action - Essay Example The report also offers the company’s mission statements and corporate objectives touching on certain aspects that challenge the company’s strategic plan. The report further presents the analysis of the company using various approaches as they appeal to the author. Finally, the report concludes by giving a summery of the pertinent issues that emerged through out the study. Research has shown that successful businesses always know when and how to adapt and change in order for them to remain viable and competitive. This adaptation involves growing some areas of activity and cutting back on less profitable areas through the utilisation of good strategies. Strategy has been defined as a long-term business plan that a company develops and implements (Bradford, 2000). In this way, companies can often benefit from acquiring businesses operating in overseas markets for various reasons (De Wit and Meyer, 2004). In view of this, the top management team at Davis Service Group needs to come up with a water tight strategic plan proposing ways of how the company can enter and expand in Australia. This is in spite of the fact that the company has recorded some success in its expansion programme as shown by Haines (2006). Available studies show that Davis Service Group decided to expand its textile sector by growing organically in line with its strategic plan, which is proposed to be implemented within a five-year period (Haines, 2006). The London-based Davis Service Group dates back to the early 1900s operating in three primary areas namely Textile Maintenance, Tool Hire, and Building Systems as cited by Moore (1995). Although the Davis Service Group provides overall direction, each of the three sections operates more or less as an autonomous business, each with its own board of directors and management (Foley, 2001). Among the three, Textile Maintenance is the company’s largest division in terms of revenue. The division is primarily

Citizens bank Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Citizens bank - Essay Example The researcher states that the strategic problem that the Citizens bank is facing is followed by an important tactical problem: up to then, in 2004, the organization has used acquisitions as a tool for promoting growth. Acquisitions, as developed through the years, led, necessarily, to the radical transformation of organizational structure: in 1992 the employees of the organization were estimated to just 1,300 while in 2004 the firm’s staff reached the ‘24,000 people across the  USA’. It was at this point that the tactic of the organization to proceed to acquisitions led to concerns. Larry Fish, the CEO of the firm identified the particular issue; it was clear that for the future the terms of acquisitions in which the organization would proceed should change. At the same time, Fish had to face another problem: Citizens Group was no more a bank of average size; it has become a major competitor in the US banking industry. Thus, the practices used up to then for se curing the firm’s image in the market should be reviewed. It has become clear that the firm was facing a tactical problem: the rate of acquisitions of other banks/ financial institutions have become so rapid that the organization’s mission and values could be doubted, as of their feasibility. The firm’s CEO would have to resolve a series of issues related to the above practice. From 1992, up to the acquisition of Charter One, the organization’s growth has been gradual.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Dangers of social networking for employees Research Paper

Dangers of social networking for employees - Research Paper Example However, social networks also brought many challenges in the organizational world. The misuse of social networks by the employees is causing big headache to the organizational world. Employees are spending too much time in front of the social networks and failing to complete their routine works in time. They are providing vital company information to the competitors knowingly or unknowingly through social networks. Competitors are exploiting the possibilities of social networks to know the business secrets of organizations through employees. It is necessary for the organisations to regulate the activities of employees in social networks. The traps existing in the social networks are unaware to many of the employees. Employees should be encouraged or trained to use the social network in a judicious manner while working in an organization. This paper analyses the dangers raised by social networks to the employees. Dangers of social networking for employees (Tomexy, 2011) At the time of introduction of social networks such as twitter, Facebook, MySpace, YouTube, Skype etc, nobody thought that it may affect human life as it does now. Initially the purposes of social media were; spending leisure time, relaxation, enjoyment and instant communication etc. However, after few years from introduction, social media have changed everything. It is difficult to describe the influence of social media on current human life in few words. Virtually, all the segments of current human life are influenced by social media now. Irrespective of culture, race, gender, age or socioeconomic background, people from all parts of the world are interested in social media activities. However, teenagers and employees are more active in social media websites. Social media bring lot of opportunities to the business people and teenagers. At the same time, it brings lot of challenges also. Business is one segment in which social media brings lot of opportunities as well as challenges. Social netwo rking marketing spending has been increased a lot in the past. According to a report, it has increased from $884 million to $2.34 billion in between the period 2007-2009 (Dickey & Lewis, 2010, p.140). Currently, organizations are utilizing social media not only for the recruitment of employees, but also for marketing products and services as well. Social media brought lot of opportunities to the employee community. It is easy for them to share their thoughts and relieve their personal and professional stresses through social networks. However, there are plenty of dangers hiding in social media for an employee. Many of the social media savvy employees in the past suffered a lot from social media. If not used judiciously and carefully, social media can bring more harm than good to an employee. This paper analyse the dangers involved in social media as far as an employee is concerned. Discussion Unlike many other media or channels of communication, social media has the ability to furni sh two-way communication. It should be noted that television and newspaper like communication channels are incapable of helping people in interacting each other instantly. Instant two way communication is good as well as bad as a far as employee is concerned. Instant two way communication helps employees to get the feedback or vital information from the other end quickly and take decisions based on that. However, while performing two way communication, employees often forget about the value of time and they may forget other important matters as well. Most of the employees engage in casual talks with others along with the professional matters while they use social media for communication. Casual talks often end up in waste of

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Essay Example As the study outlines he was named after his grandfather and the Saint Johannes Chrysostomus. His father Leopold Mozart was not only an excellent violinist but also a composer and concert master of great repute. His mother was Anna Maria Pertl and he had a very talented sister named Maria Anna Mozart. (Nannerl) From the tender age of three, Mozart had such a keen ear for music and began learning the keyboard and by the age of five he started composing minuets. All through his teen years he dedicated himself to music and mastered the piano, violin and the harpsichord. The Archbishop of Salzburg appointed him as concertmaster in 1772 during which time he composed several sacred works. He fell in love with Aloysia Constanze Weber and in 1782; he married her in Vienna’s St. Stephen’s Cathedral. Mozart worked in Vienna, supporting his family by teaching and composing and also by performing in both public and private. Mozart became composer of the â€Å"Imperial and Royal Chamber† and in 1787 one of his works titled â€Å"Don Giovanni† was premiered in Prague at the famous National Theater. By this time, while in Vienna, he was feeling quite sick while he completed another of his famous works titled â€Å"La clemenza di Tito†. Then on Dec. 5, 1791, Mozart breat hed his last just a few minutes before 1AM. He had been ill for quite sometime and had died of rheumatic fever. From this study it is clear that Mozart’s works can be categorized into three sections – Early -from 1761 – 1772, Middle – from 1772 – 1781 and the Late – from 1781 – 1791. The total number of his works was 600 in all which included 21 stage and opera works, 15 Masses, over 50 symphonies, 25 piano concertos, 12 violin concertos, 27 concert arias, 17 piano sonatas, 26 string quartets and many other pieces. Mozart contributed significantly to the sonata repertoire which included the violin and the piano.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen - Essay Example ("Pride and Prejudice." 27 Feb 2009). Jane Austin received her formal education from her father. Her novels were initially published secretly. She never got a chance to live in south of England and had no connections with the literary community of London. Even though her work received optimistic reviews, she was not a famous novelist during her lifetime. The essay is an attempt to bring out the characters of the novel and to analyse them in the light of humour and satire which make up the novel. The opening lines in the novel, "It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife." Pride and Prejudice, ch.1 (1813), is a statement which is true to this day. This statement brings out the intelligence of Austen as an author. She has asserted that the subject of the novel will be courtship and marriage and she has based the hilarious tone of the novel with a simple subject to work out and to speak sharply of. She has geared up the reader to guess whether it is a husband in search of a wife, or a woman in pursuit of a husband. Austen's authority of delicate prejudice and shrewd wisdom is exposed in Pride and Prejudice; she is able to express such a multifaceted message using a simple, but witty style. ( The theme of the story is fundamentally an assessment of the obstructions which an eligible female encounters when she is on the look out for a prospective husband. Jane Austen reveals her mind through the immortal character of Elizabeth Bennet, who is the central character of the novel. Therefore with a reference to the term personality, there is a belief that Austen more or less resembles Elizabeth Bennet. This novel ends on a happy note. The novel emphasizes the point that pride and prejudice can be overcome. "Hence, nothing in Austin's novel is pointless or distracting from the main theme--pride and prejudice." ("Pride and Prejudice." 27 Feb 2009). Character analysis: Elizabeth Bennet, the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bennet is the most striking character especially with her freely displayed wit and independent thinking and she is never attractive to readers but when she asserts herself against the arrogant Lady Catherine she raises a question of identity in the minds of the readers. She does everything with a pinch of thoughtfulness and simplicity especially when she refuses to reveal her age when it is demanded or even when she argues that younger sisters need not wait until their older sisters are married. ( Elizabeth is always in conflict with the noble Mr. Darcy, and both incorrectly perceive each other because of their pride and its ensuing prejudice. The novel is in fact is about the challenges of the heart and at the same it pertains to the ways in which one can be educated. Darcy at first cannot visualize that there is anyone who deserves his attention in the constricted, simple world in which he detects himself. On the other hand Elizabeth is able to look only at his vanity and arrogance and is offended by his superior airs. Elizabeth and Darcy fight through their wits and of the society, till such time when Darcy's marriage proposal surprises Elizabeth. She rejects Darcy's offer and this

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Executive Summary Essay Example for Free

Executive Summary Essay Patient education is crucial to improve quality of patient care, increase healthy behaviors and improve health status. Nursing and patient interaction plays a very important role, and part of a nurses’ job is to educate the patient (Ferguson et al., 2013). Educational programs such as nursing groups would be of great benefit to implement at Aurora Behavioral Health facility. The following content will provide the purpose, target audience, benefits and more details on why implementing this programming will benefit this facility and improve quality of care. Purpose of Programming The main purpose of this programming is to improve patient health and slow down disease deterioration. This also gives the patients a chance to express some of their worries or concerns regarding the treatment or medication they are getting. This type of population already has a challenging time understanding their own condition and or state of mind, not all of them but most of them since they are mentally challenges due to their psychotic disorder. This programming also serves the purpose of nurses developing a therapeutic relationship with their patients, often times nurses will be able to pick up if there is a change in behavior, which can become a very important hint when related to a patient that is severely depressed. Overall increased customer satisfaction is the end goal. Target Audience The target audiences are psychotic, depressed, and detoxing patients. With psychotic patients that are on multiple psychotropic medications it is important to constantly be educating on the side effects of the medication such as lithium and the importance of hydration. Behavioral health technicians would also benefit from this as well as they themselves can  encourage patients to abide by these helpful hints reducing complications that can occur. Benefits of Programming An educated patient can participate in improvement of their own treatment helping improve outcomes or being capable of identifying errors before they occur ending in a shorter length of stay and a speedy recovery (Hà ¤tà ¶nen et al., 2010). For example a patient who has a good knowledge and understands what medications they are on and the times they are taken, will be able to catch a medication error perhaps by recognizing the pill itself and might realize and say â€Å" I take that medication at night, not in the morning† unfortunately we are humans and make mistakes. Individuals with poor mental health conditions often feel inferior, this nursing program will help them build more confidence and also allow one on one time with their nurse resulting in therapeutic relationship. Nurses will also have the benefit of becoming more familiar with his or her patients and recognize any changes in attitude or behavior. Cost, Budget Justification . The only cost in this programming would be the time put into by the nurses. There has to be adequate staffing so the nurse is able to take the time to accomplish this daily task. There are only a few requirements perhaps having the nurse with the lower patient acuity do the nursing group. The cost would be minimal such as providing the patient with printed material for them to read as some of them learn better by reading. Evaluation Basis A nursing group would consist of thirty minutes to an hour dedicated to educate patients to touch base on important topics. Some important topics consist of safety, medications and its side effects, warning signs of complications or basic topics such as hydration and nutrition. The nursing group will be done once a day preferably during the daytime shift when patients are alert and awake. There are two nurses per unit which consists of 20 beds, one nurse can do nursing group while the other remains at the nurses station attending to the rest of the patients that decided not to attend or couldn’t for various reasons. The nursing supervisor is  responsible to making a file with numerous health related topics that would be targeted to this type of population. If there is a chaotic busy day with more important priorities to where nurses don’t have the time to teach nursing group, it can be cancelled and held until the next day. Conclusion Patient education needs continuing emphasis in the healthcare systems and educational programs such as nursing group. This is crucial to patients in the experience of their illness and in the community. According to a study patients perceive structured and systematically conducted patient education programs very useful (Koivunen, et al., 2012). Informed patients can lessen changes of malpractice claims and improve and increase overall patient satisfaction. This is a low cost effective program that will help achieve and meet patient satisfaction as it improves quality of patient care. . References Ferguson, Linda, M., Heather Ward, Sharon Card, Suzanne Sheppard, and Jane McMurtry. 2013. Putting the patient back into patient-centred care: An education perspective. Nurse Education In Practice 13, no. 4: 283-287. CINAHL Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed September 29, 2014) Hà ¤tà ¶nen, H., Suhonen, R., Warro, H., Pitkà ¤nen, A., Và ¤limà ¤ki, M. (2010). Patients perceptions of patient education on psychiatric inpatient wards: a qualitative study. Journal Of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, 17(4), 335-341. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2850.2009.01530.x Koivunen, M. M., Huhtasalo, J. J., Makkonen, P. P., VÄLimÄKi, M. M., HÄTÃâ€"Nen, H. H. (2012). Nurses roles in systematic patient education sessions in psychiatric nursing. Journal Of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, 19(6), 546-554. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2850.2011.01833.x

Friday, September 20, 2019

Piaget Drawing Development

Piaget Drawing Development Luquet was one of the first to start researching into the development of drawing using a cognitive development theory and releasing a book in French during 1927. He described differing stages of drawing development which a child will pass through; this became known as the stage account. Luquet thought that after a period of scribbling that children go through, there were four stages of realism which children will also go through. These were thought to be fortuitous realism, failed realism, intellectual realism and visual realism. Fortuitous realism shows the childs drawing as mostly scribbles but the child can see real life objects within the marks. The child will do this again and again and notice these accidental representations, until they reach the point where they will set out intending to draw something representational from real life. The child will be entering the second stage which is failed realism when they consistently set out with the intent to draw something resembling real life. During this stage an adult can see an adult can see what the child has set out to draw although it can look like there are many mistakes with important features missed out and objects not always where they should be, (such as a childs drawing of a parent, where the parent has a face but no body, with its legs and arms extending out from the head). Intellectual realism occurs when improvements of the childs concentration and attention occurs, meaning the drawing will depict prominent important features of the object. This is the stage where the child will feel it is important that the defining features in the shape are drawn. To achieve this, the child will use transparency, draw certain features as if like a plan, and draw certain things broken down. However this prospective is different to how the object is seen in real life and the child notices this and will start to become concerned about drawing this way. This leads to the child wanting to draw life like representations of an object and this takes the child into the fourth stage, visual realism, which means that the child will draw on object from one perspective and will only draw the objects features from the same perspective. In 1956 Piaget took the work of Luquets (1927) stages of drawing to use to develop his framework, which too was using a cognitive development theory, Piaget didnt see drawing as a special part of development, but rather a window into the general cognitive development of a child. For him, a drawing showed the cognitive competence of a child rather than what stage of development they were at. For the most part, Piaget agreed with Luquets theory and both of there frameworks has similar stages of development for childrens drawing. There are certain strengths for their theory which include that they seem to explain seeming stages of acquisition, supporting evidence for this was shown by Clark (1897) who studied children aged 6 to 16, they were asked to draw an apple with a hatpin passing through it, the younger children were found to draw a continuous line while the older children tended to only draw the visible parts of the pin, and Freeman Janikoun (1972) who studied cups that were dra wn by children. The cups had a flower pattern and were positioned so that handle or flower pattern was either visible for the child or not visible for the child, they found that they younger children drew the handle even when it was not visible where as the older children only drew what they could see. However, the weaknesses for Luquet/Piagets stage theory are that the roles of culture and environment had not been taken into consideration. Evidence against their stage theory has been shown by Selfe (1977, 1995) who studied artwork of gifted children and autistic savants. She studied a young girl with autism who could draw remarkable pictures, the drawings she studied were produced by the child between the ages of 3 and 9, and said that the girls pictures were remarkable because they were done while she was so young and because Nadia (the young girl) did not show that she had any type of ability to see conceptually. This goes towards showing that not all children will go through the stages that Luquet and Piaget suggest, but whether this is just for children with conditions such as autism is not currently known. Barret, Beaumont Jennett (1985) also provide evidence against Luquet and Piagets stage theory by talking about the instructions which the children received, for instance, did the children receive standard instructions (with the instructor saying draw exactly what you see from where you are sat) or whether the child received explicit instructions (with the instructor saying draw exactly what you see from where you are sat, look at it very carefully so you can draw it just as you see it). They found that when children received the standard instructions 11% of the children got the drawing correct, and when the children received the explicit instructions 65% of the children got the drawing correct. According to Luquet (1927), children move gradually from one stage to the next and that they can still draw from pervious stages in when they are in that last stage, this is because they may still want to represent something in a different way. He suggests that the reason children will draw the same things over again without them varying much is not due to habit but that they prefer to draw it in that way. Luquets theory should not be considered as just a stage theory as he had many other points to add to it, including the two above, for this reason childrens drawing ability should be seen as more of a fluid motion, since a child will progress through the stages but can easily slip back if they want to, allowing them to represent not only the part of the object that they see but the whole of the object. Kellogg (1970) used a generalist theory and took a different approach by suggesting that drawings of children are just patterns as children only draw things that show what they perceive as good form. She found that usually when a child reaches 5 or 6 years old, that most children will be able to draw a fairly accurate and complete person; this is because by this age most children will have formed a drawing formula which allows them too continuously and consistently draw an accurate picture of a person. She thought that some shapes can be seen in childrens scribbles and that it is these shapes that can then be used to form a picture. Kellogg did agree that drawing made use of the base of representational experience but says that the use of the lines would differ. Kellogg did come up with a descriptive classification that had the appearance of developmental progression by looking at thousands of childrens drawings and examining them closely. These drawing showed that the development pa ssed from basic scribbles then diagrams, then shapes finally moving to combining shapes, she suggests that when a child reaches that stage the child is functioning as an artist. Willats (1977) used a perceptual theory but agreed that drawings can be seen as representations but thought that children could possibly experience perceptual problems when they try to draw a 3D image on paper (a 2D space). He also suggested that children can change the solutions to these problems as they grow older and develop. Willats (1977) took children aged from 5 to 17, and showed then a real scene, the children were asked to draw what they saw from a fixed view point. When the children had finished their drawing Willats chose to classify the drawings using a drawing system which gave a certain score to a picture. The score was given based on the number of correct representations of occlusion by overlap. There are many drawing systems and during this investigation six were found, and it was shown that it was the older children who used the more complex systems. Willats found that there were discrete stages at which the development took place which was found to cover all the age s of the children tested, this also showed that the ability to use overlap appears continuous, with few children using overlap at under 9 years old with children learning fast between the ages of 10 and 12 years old. Arnheim (1974) used a generalist theory and had suggested that a child will draw an object which will show the defining features (as the child sees them) in the simplest way for the child to be able to draw them within a piece of paper (2D space). One example that was given of this is that a child will most likely draw an animal from the side so that the relationship between its legs, tail, and any other defining features are visible allowing people to clearly see what animal it is, while a child will draw a person from the front, allowing the facial features to be depicted and also showing the symmetry of these features making it clear that it is a person. This was supported by Ives Rovet (1979) who consistently found that children of any age who had passed the scribble stage, and were asked to draw an object that was familiar but without seeing the object, all used those specific ways of drawing. Luquet and Piaget are the two big names when it comes to looking at the development of drawing in children, but much more research has been done since Luquets initial research in 1927 which was popularised in 1956 by Piaget. They both took the cognitive development approach to drawing development which may have been why they both agreed on the stage theory, with research by others looking into different approaches to drawing development. There is a lot of support for Luquet and Piagets theory of stages of drawing development, and although it has a few criticisms, the main one being that it does not account for any cultural differences, most psychologists will agree that there is some form of stages of development that a child will go through when it comes to drawing development. Another criticism of Luquet and Piaget is that it does not think about the children with such developmental conditions as autism and asperger syndrome. These conditions can involve delays and impairments in t he development of the childs communicative and social skills, which may delay the child in some areas of development, while other children with these types of disorders have been shown to be good at certain things which including drawing, with some children showing remarkable advancement in drawing. It also depends on the instructions that the children are given as to whether they get the drawing correct or not, and so the instructors have to be careful how they ask the children to draw the object otherwise it may influence how they draw the object.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Child Characters in Great Expectations Essay -- Great Expectations Es

Child Characters in Great Expectations      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The first part of Dickens' novel, Great Expectations, is an account of the childhood of, Pip, the main character of the novel.   In these beginning chapters Dickens paints an extremely vivid picture of childhood.   The reader is able to enter Pip's mind and see the world through the eyes of a child.   This is possible because Dickens understood the thoughts and feelings of children and applied this to Pip's every thought and action when he wrote the novel.   Dickens had an obvious gift for creating child characters in his works.   The word "pip" itself refers to a seed from a plant.   Seeds need to be nurtured if they are to grow and flourish.   In order to understand both Dickens' talent and his compulsion to write about children it important to realize that through the characters in his novels he took up the plight of all children.   In Dickens' view of childhood, he felt that children have certain needs: guidance in a nurturing hom e, to be free from emotional and physical abuse, to have a good education, and to be allowed to use their imaginations.   In order for children to succeed in life he felt these needs must be met.   Through his portrayal of child characters in the novel, Great Expectations, Dickens' demonstrates how adults rarely, nor adequately provided for the particular needs that children have.    Dickens often wrote about children in his stories who were crippled, such as Tiny Tim in A Christmas Carol.   However, Dickens chose to create most of his main child characters with no physical maladies.   As Collins points out, these characters were impeded emotionally in some way: "Most of his child heroes and heroines are born sound in wind and limb... ... be unhappy.   One may wonder why Dickens always seemed to make the world weigh so heavy on the little shoulders of so many of his characters.   One reason is that Dickens appears to have created these suffering characters was that he wanted to protest the injustices toward children that he saw in Victorian society.   He illustrated what these children needed and what they were missing.   Just as a "seed" that is not nurtured cannot grow, children who are not loved and cared for can not grow up to live happy lives. Works Cited Bell, Vereen. "Parents and Children in Great Expectations." Victorian Newsletter 27 (1965): 21-24. Collins, Philip. Dickens and Education. New York: St. Martin's P, 1964. Rawlins, Jack P. "Great Expectations: Dickens and the Betrayal of the Child." Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900. 23 (1983): 667-683.   

Natalie Goldberg’s Long Quiet Highway: Waking Up in America Essay

Natalie Goldberg’s Long Quiet Highway: Waking Up in America â€Å"I don’t think fate is a creature, or a lady, like some people say. It’s a tide of events sweeping us along. But I’m not a Fatalist, because I believe you can swim against it, and sometimes grasp the hands of the clock face and steal a few precious minutes. If you don’t you’re just cartwheeled along. Before you know it, the magic opportunity is lost, and for the rest of your life it lingers on in that part of your mind which dreams the very best dreams—taunting and tantalizing you with what might have been.† (from the film Flirting, 1990) â€Å"Every moment is enormous, and it is all we have† (Goldberg xii). Natalie Goldberg offers her readers the opportunity to recognize the delicate nature of life and the importance of slowing down one’s life. In her autobiography, Long Quiet Highway: Waking Up in America, she invites readers to journey along her path to awakening in an effort as an author to â€Å"pass on her breath† (22). By capturing her message and holding it close to one’s heart, the reader grasps the essence of Goldberg’s message. It becomes clear that awakening can take on many forms and can be reached by different roads, but it is all centered on one goal: to go within oneself and find inner peace and understanding. Through her exploration of America, teaching, spirituality, impermanence, and writing, and through her writing style and language, Goldberg sends her readers along their own long, quiet highway. The main point one might gather from Goldberg’s discussion of America is that Americans need to slow down all aspects of their lives, need to take the small components of life and make them significant. Goldberg sees an impatience in Ame... to her affectionately as simply Natalie. In fact, it seems strange to refer to her as merely the author of a narrative—she has most assuredly transmitted her being through her writing, most definitely made a connection. There are few times when she outwardly addresses the reader, so when she does, she calls attention to the importance of the event she is describing. â€Å"Understand,† she implores, causing the reader to sense the urgency and the great impact of what she is describing. When she describes Rinpoche as â€Å"fluid energy† (87), she wants readers to know this was really how she experienced him. Hers was a vital discovery, one of experiencing people. Natalie reaches readers. She cannot be disconnected from her work because hers is the breath we capture. Works Cited Goldberg, Natalie. Long Quiet Highway: Waking Up in America. New York: Bantam Books, 1993.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Internet And Taxation Essay -- E-commerce ecommerce E-business ebu

The Internet and Taxation A 19-member panel unknown to virtually all Americans is considering how to tax a virtual world that's home to millions: the Internet. The federal Advisory Commission on Electronic Commerce convened for the first time Monday in historic Williamsburg, Virginia, but the setting is the only thing that's serene. On both sides of the debate, fireworks have been flying for months. On one side are consumers and businesses that buy and sell on line. Most of their transactions go across state lines, and sales taxes are not collected. They say imposing sales taxes on the Internet could stifle growth in an industry that is helping to drive the U.S. economy, and taxes could drive Internet firms overseas. On the other side are traditional retail merchants who collect sales taxes and the governments that rely on those taxes to pay for police, schools and roads. The retailers are losing business to the tax-free Internet. That cuts into the 36% of state and local government revenue that comes from sales taxes. The commission's task is to recommend changes to Congress that both sides can live with. It is faced with the current system of more than 3,000 state and local sales taxes. And the products that are taxed, such as food and clothing, vary from state to state. For that reason, the panel, might consider something as radical as a national sales tax. Its recommendations are due to Congress in April 2000. ''America is a world leader in information technology. We are at the cutting edge of Internet commerce, and we want America to maintain that position of leadership,'' says Virginia Gov. James Gilmore, the commission chairman. The debate will affect ''every human being, every potential customer, everyon... ...ead, marketing vice president for the Los Angeles-based research firm, were the lengths to which online shoppers would go to avoid taxes. Twenty-four percent said they would bypass well-known retailers that charge sales levies in favor of unfamiliar merchants that don't, to save on taxes. "That's a real indication of the concern about taxation," she said. Richard Wolf, Billions of dollars hang over Internet tax debate. , USA Today, 06-22-1999, pp 01A. J. Leffall, Lawyers tell e-commerce panel tax system needs overhaul. , The Washington Times, 05-31-1999, pp D13. Szabo, Joan, Net returns: just when you thought it was safe to do business in cyberspace....(Tax Talk)(Column). Vol. 26, Entrepreneur Magazine, 09-01-1998, pp 70(3). James T. Madore, Great Debate / Shoppers, governments in dispute over issue of online sales tax. , Newsday, 08-15-1999, pp F06.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Tv Manufacturing Industry in India

Analysis of TV Manufacturing Industry By: Manglesh R. Yadav Table Of Contents: 1. History Of TV in India3 2. Samsung Electronics3 3. LG Electronics8 4. SONY11 5. Videocon13 6. My View15 7. References17 Television Manufacturers and their growth History Of TV in India: Television has been in India for over 40 years now. During the first few years the growth of television was very sparing and the distribution happened of mostly black and white sets. This was because in the early period the people used to think of it as a luxury item without which the life could go on.It is in the last 25 years that the television market has picked up pace and is growing rapidly. A very significant year in the advent of television industry in India was 1982. This was the time when the Indian government allowed import of thousands of color TV sets for the broadcast of Asian Games held in New Delhi. After this the real boom of TV industry started. Today India is the largest market for TV sets and also view ership. Not only this, but overall TV industry is the most booming sector among consumer electronics in India. The main market capture is divided in between Samsung, LG, Sony, Panasonic, etc.Samsung History: Samsung Electronics is a South Korean organization which manufactures TV and is globally the leader in LCD TV section. For over 70 years Samsung Electronics has served the world with new innovations. On March 1, 1938, founding chairman Byung-Chull Lee started business in Taegu, Korea. Samsung started the production of its first Black and white television (model: P-3202) in 1970. In the phase from 1990-99 Samsung came up with lot of innovations and they were the first company to produce and supply a whole line of digital TVs.In 2010 Samsung Electronics began mass producing industry’s first 3D TV panel. Over the years Samsung has won lot of awards for its TV manufacturing capabilities. â€Å"At Samsung, we follow a simple business philosophy: to devote our talent and techn ology to creating superior products and services that contribute to a better global society†. Vision: The vision for Samsung is â€Å"†Inspire the World, Create the Future. † â€Å"This new vision reflects Samsung Electronics’ commitment to inspiring its communities by leveraging Samsung's three key strengths: â€Å"New Technology,† â€Å"Innovative Products,† and â€Å"Creative Solutions. — and to promoting new value for Samsung's core networks — Industry, Partners, and Employees. Through these efforts, Samsung hopes to contribute to a better world and a richer experience for all. † Products: Samsung has huge variety of TV types to select from: LED TV: The Future Smart TV It has very good picture quality. The new series in this category has voice and motion control, Face recognition. It also has good 3D experience. There are a total of 31 different TV sets available in this category belonging from series 4 to series 8 an d also from 19 inches to ones above 50 inches.The TV sets also range from 13000 rupees to 273000 rupees. LCD TV: See Richer Colours with Wide Colour Enhancers. It has a slim design and it produces crisp picture quality. The colours in the picture seem to come to life because of its stunning LCD screen. There a total of 4 different variants present in this section. All this are in series 4 and are present in 22 inches and 32 inches sizes. The TV sets range from 13000 rupees to 28000 rupees. Plasma TV: Ultimate BIG Screen Entertainment. It has stunning design and picture quality.You get smooth motion pictures, high contrasting picture quality with motion control and face detection. The TV set also provides web connectivity. There are a total of 8 different variants present in this section. The TV sets series is 4+, 5+, and 8+. The TV is present in 43 inches, 51 inches and 64 inches. The cost ranges from 38000 to 240000. Ultra Slim Fit TV: 40% slimmer 20% lighter 100% stylish The Ultra SlimFit TV incorporates a revolutionary compact. These TVs fit in any corner of your home and stylish life elegantly. There are a total of 22 different variants present in this section.The TV ranges from 20-29 inches in size. The cost of these TVs ranges from 8500 to 16000 rupees. Flat TV: Technology that celebrates LIFE. The technology and style of these TVs are combined for a better entertainment. It’s a TV that suits the budget but does not compromise on quality and technology. There are a total of 14 variants for this section. The TV ranges from 20-29 inches in size. The cost of these TVs ranges from 7700 to 15000 rupees. Support: Samsung Electronics gives u a free download of all the Manuals and required downloads for any type of TV set.It also has an online Help & Support system which helps the customers to have quick fix of some know issues. It has a very good network of its support service which reaches the customers doorstep on demand. It has a good feedback system. Promotions: In television industry Samsung has been the leader due to its innovative TV sets and the latest ones the LED ES8000 and ES7500 series and the Plasma E8000 series in the Indian market has been the new age Smart TV which will remain in the market and improve the share of the manufacturer until a new innovation is out.The costing of this TV has been kept in minds and has been in the range where in people will get out and try buying it for the sheer experience the TV gives. Also it is the sponsor for Chelsea Football Club which makes people aware about the brand. They put out the products at some huge exhibitions so that the public can himself come and see the televisions capabilities. They have a very strong advertising campaign wherein they use big celebrities and also sign big singing groups. Place: The products are sold not only at retail store, huge super markets but also online.So the consumer can go and buy it from a huge network of places and make him satisfied with experience he gets out of it. LG History: LG Electronics was founded in 1958 back then the name of the company was Goldstar. It has been first producer of lot of electronics items in Korea. It was the first producer of radio in 1959. It produced the first refrigerator of Korea in 1965, First producer of Black & White TV in Korea in 1966, First air-conditioner in 1968, first washing machine produced in 1969, first colour TV produced in 1977, etc. Goldstar changed to LG Electronics in 1995.The first producer for â€Å"40-inch Plasma TV and the world’s first IC set for DTVs developed India production subsidiary (LGEIL) established† in 1997 also produced World’s first 60 â€Å" plasma TV in 1998. LG has been also the first Company to commercialize some of the biggest sizes of plasma TV of 71† in 2004 and 102† in 2005. LG was also the first to commercialize the largest LCD TV of 55† in 2004. Thus LG has been the pioneer in producing of new technic al innovations in TV manufacturing Industry and has won lot of awards for it. Brand Identity:The brand is known for its four basic elements : Value, Innovation, People, Passion The word LG in the logo speaks for itself , It symbolises that the consumer of LG is in close relationship with LG and you will also find that the colour or the texture of LG logo has never changed as it symbolises that they want to deliver the best to their customers over a long period of time. Brand Logo: Face: The stylized face symbolizes for the companies friendliness and easy approachability. Circle: The circle represents the globe and also the humanity, it also represents the youth and the future.Shape: The upper end on the right is intentionally left blank to make it asymmetric which represents innovative thinking. Colours: LG Red mainly symbolizes friendliness and also its commitment to deliver the best to its customers. LG Gray represents technology and reliability. Vision: LG visions itself to provi de its customers with innovative products and superior service while aiming to be in the top 3 companies in the world. They also hold their philosophy â€Å" Great Company, Great People† as they think that only great people together can create a great company. Products: Plasma TV:It provides razor sharp pictures which gives the customer an experience of a theatre/stadium at home. This has 10 different variants and each one is a sleek design to impress the consumer buying it. These TVs are in 42†, 50† and 60† in size. LG Pentouch TV – Touch The Wonder. This variant allows the kids and even grown-ups to draw on huge wide screen. Flat Colour TV: The TVs are a perfect blend of good pictures and good sound quality. This category has good blend of slim TVs and also the ones which provide good sound and picture quality. The variants in this category are 33 and are of 14†, 21† and 29†+ in size.HD LCD TV: These are full HD TVs with advanced I PS LCD Panels, Smart Energy Saving. The TVs are eco-friendly in the sense they consume less electricity but still provide good picture quality. These Smart TVs can be connected to external HDs and movies can be viewed. This category has 19 variants and is available in 22†, 32† and 42† sizes. 3D TV: These TVs are stylish and good in 3D quality. LG Cinema 3D Smart TV means battery free 3D Glasses, 2D to 3D Conversion & a 3 mode magic motion remote control together bringing more convenience in watching 3D & controlling Smart functions.It has built in Wi-Fi system and loads of smart functions to use. There are 29 variants in this category. The sizes vary from 47† and 55†. Pricing: The pricing of the TVs in each category is at a level which is not heavy for the pockets of the consumer. The TVs in Flat TV category are ranging from 8000 to 25000 rupees. The TV are priced as per the technology grows with each variant. LG TV is trying to capture 50% share of the marketing 3D TV by launching new series in the Indian Market. Last year the market share in 3D Tv for LG was 40%. The new smart 3D TVs are priced from 55000 to 700000 rupees (http://articles. conomictimes. indiatimes. com/2012-05-05/news/31586465_1_market-share-lg-electronics-new-range). LG has been conferred upon the most durable brand by â€Å"Brand Trust Report 2012†. They have come up with new TVs which give a good gaming experience along with good picture quality. Promotions: LG is a main sponsor for the ICC Cricket World Cup, the pinnacle event for cricketing world. LG is official Global Partner of Formula1 and also Technology partner of Formula1. It has a very good advertising campaign where in they always focus on consumers and their satisfaction as their prime objective. Place:The products are sold not only at retail store, huge super markets but also online. So the consumer can go and buy it from a huge network of places and make him satisfied with experience he ge ts out of it. Sony History: Sony is a Japanese company established in 1946. It launched the first magnetic â€Å"G-type† recorder in Japan in 1950, Japan’s first radio â€Å"TR-55† in 1955. Sony launched World’s first transistor TV â€Å"TV8-301† in 1960, Trinitron colour TV in 1968. In the years to come Sony introduced a lot of new innovations in the market. The most important product of Sony is Bravia the technology and the TV had live colour creation capabilities.SONY India was established in 1994 and since then the Sony has touched lives of people in one way or the other with its exemplary brands. make. believe: It symbolizes the spirit of SONY. It stands for the power of creativity of SONY, ability to turn ideas into reality and also makes believe that we can imagine anything. The dot in between make and believe symbolizes SONY. The dot links imagination and reality, It’s the point of ignition for reality. Vision: Sony visions to be the leader of the electronics industry. Sony also envisions itself to be a socially responsible organization and focuses on saving the environment.It has implemented a good CSR policy of E-waste management. Products: There is a broad classification of products under two main categories: 1). SONY BRAVIA TVs: There are a total of 10 series in this section. Bravia is built around a unique and superior technology to enhance the viewer’s satisfaction. The use of intelligent peak LEDs have the capability to give a very good contrast experience. The TV is FULL HD and has good resolution so that even low resolution videos appear good. It has web connectivity on the high end models. The series has TVs with sizes from 22† to 65†.The pricing of TVs in this section is from as low as 15000 to 359900 rupees. There is a TV which will fir everyone’s pocket and have a mix of good features along with it. 2). Public Display Panel: The TV is designed for the purpose of public vie wing. It has some very good and sleek functions. It has good sound and viewing quality. The viewing of this TV will never disappoint anyone. There are 2 variants in this series of two sizes 32† and 40†. The pricing of these two TVs is 89990 and 119990 rupees. The TVs are available in 2 colours Black and Grey. Promotions:Sony has very wide and extensive advertising campaign. It has brand face for its products. SONY has an exclusive agreement with FIFA (source: http://www. sony. com. au/section/sponsorship). It is able to reach to the masses through the sport. Sony is ready to be with all those organizations that have similar mindset and similar technological worth as it enjoys. Place: The products are sold not only at retail store, huge super markets but also online. So the consumer can go and buy it from a huge network of places and make him satisfied with experience he gets out of it. VideoconHistory: Videocon Group was founded in 1986 by Nandalaji Dhoot . It is headqua rtered in Gurgaon (NCR Delhi) and it is an Indian MNC. It is the third largest picture tube producer. It has a technical tie up with Thomson Corporation from Japan. It started producing Colour TV in 1985. It produced Flat tube for B TV. Videocon overtook Philips Colour TV plant in 2000. Vision: â€Å"To delight and deliver beyond expectation through ingenious strategy, intrepid entrepreneurship, improved technology, innovative products, insightful marketing and inspired thinking about the future. †Product: There are 5 categories in this brand LED TV: This TV gives a clear picture quality and a good sound quality. There are 4 different sections in this category. Elena-3D – It has 1 variant and is 55† in size. Persistence- There are 6 different variants in this section. The different sizes available in this section are 24†, 32† and 40†. Orion- There are 4 different variants in this section. The different sizes available in this section are 24†, 32† and 42†. Razor- It has 1 variant and is 32† in size. LCD TV: This TV has the LDC panel view and give a sharp picture quality.There are 6 different sections in this category. Magnum- There are 4 different variants in this section. The different sizes available in this section are 22†, 26† and 32†. Sapphire- There are 7 different variants in this section. The different sizes available in this section are 22†, 24†, 32† and 40†. Pearl- There are 5 different variants in this section. The different sizes available in this section are 19†, 22†, 24†, and 32†. Cyclone- There are 5 different variants in this section. The different sizes available in this section are 22†, 24†, 26†, 32† and 40†.Prestige- It has 1 variant and is 32† in size. Envira – It has 1 variant and is 42† in size. Ultra Slim TV: This category has ultra slim TV with great picture quali ty and good sound. It also has good contrast ratio. There are a total of 22 variants in this section. These Tv sets are available in 14† and 21†. FLAT TV: This category TV sets have flat LCD panel which enhances a good viewing experience. It has good sound quality. There are only 2 variants in this section and both being 21† in size. Conventional TV: This category TV sets are as per the earlier time televisions with a big box.It is good in picture viewing but looks a little bulky. There are 6 variants in this section. It is available in 14† and 21†. Pricing: The costing of the TVs is very good. The consumer can enjoy and will be satisfied by the amount he pays for this TV. The lowest TV is available in 8000 to a maximum of 150000 rupees. Promotion: It has a very advertising campaign. It is an official sponsor for IIFA weekend. It is also an official sponsor for IPL. Videocon is a very active company and gives sponsorships to a lot of events and hence is always in touch with the people and in their mind.Place: The focus of Videocon is on its good distribution network. The products are sold not only at retail store, huge super markets but also online. So the consumer can go and buy it from a huge network of places and make him satisfied with experience he gets out of it. My Views: The television Industry is an ever growing industry and new innovations come in this market almost every year. Each of the companies in the race to become the no. 1 brand is trying to give the consumer a new kind of an experience be it through good picture quality, good sound, multitasking of the SMART TV, etc.There is still a potential market for television industry waiting in the rural part of the country. As the urbanization is increasing the rural part of the country is the new market which will lead for a boom in the TV manufacturing industry. The brand which touches the nerve of the consumer and will be successful in making new consumer base through its great innovations will be the one to look out for. As for now the race is very tight in between Samsung and LG on world scenario and Videocon in the Indian scenario. The market share: We see that Samsung is the highest selling TV with LG second, SONY third.Thus the consumer will keep on buying as he gets his money worth with the experience. References http://www. samsung. com/ http://www. lg. com/ http://www. sony. co. in/ http://www. videoconworld. com/ http://www. samsung. com/in/aboutsamsung/corporateprofile/valuesphilosophy. html http://www. samsung. com/in/aboutsamsung/corporateprofile/vision. html http://www. samsung. com/in/aboutsamsung/corporateprofile/ourperformance/samsungprofile. html http://www. lg. com/in/about-lg/corporate-information/overview/facts-figures. jsp http://lgindiablog. com/

Monday, September 16, 2019

Contribution of the administrative function of the HR department Essay

Introduction: Business organizations are made up of people. These often termed ‘human resources’ and they are the most important resources in the production of goods and services. Managers and the owners of organization need to understand the nature of the labour market in the areas where they operate, and how they work together in groups so that they can achieve maximum output. They also need to understand what motivates employees do that the goals of the organization can be achieved. Many tasks that are undertaken in business are complex and therefore need the combined skills of different people. The human resources functions have been modified into four (4) main sections these are Human Resources planning, Recruitment and selection, Training and Development and performance management. In an organization without these four main departments the company can’t stand as one this is the reason why the have stated above. I will be looking at each department and how effective they are to the Human resource management. Human Resources planning; this is the adding up of the internal and external staffs in an organization, in other to know the number people to employ to the right department and at the right time. The Human resources don’t just decide that they need to employ new staffs. There are some certain factors they consider before they can employ new staffs. These factors includes; the skills and competences they will need the new employees to have, how many people with these capabilities will it be able to recruit, and also the ways of training and developing people to meet these skill requirements. The Human resource planning department has various ways of forecasting the demand for employees in future. The process are as follows; forecasting demands for members and skills of employees, analyzing current employee, and account for internal employees and lastly taking actins e.g. recruiting, transfer etc. The human resources planning are very important in an organization they help the business with its long term planning and objectives setting of the business. Recruitment and selection; the objectives of recruitment is to attract the ‘best candidates’ for a job and then select the most suitable. It is an extremely important process because organization depends upon their human resources to survive and be successful. If the wrong person is recruited, a business can be severely damaged. In large organization the human resources will be in charge of the process. The first stage is to analyse what sort of person is required. The second stage is to decide how the vacancy is to be advertised or announced. Finally, the selection process needs to be planned and conducted in such a way as to ensure that the best candidates are successful this can be done internally and externally. The first stage of recruitment procedure is to carryout a job analysis. This enables the tasks and activities to be carried out by a new employee. The process is more difficult if the post is new, i.e. where no one has experience of the tasks to be performed. In other for the tasks and activities to be performed, a job analysis will specify the skills required and the role and responsibilities to be held. Thereafter a ‘job description’ is produced this contains what the job is; it gives candidates details of what the job entitles. Once the job description has been completed, the next stage is to specify the skills, knowledge and qualification necessary to perform the job. This is therefore known as a ‘person specification’. This is used to form the selection process and is used to ‘short list’ applicants. This specification may include; level of education, length of experience, special skills knowledge or aptitude. Once the job description and person specification has been drawn, the next stage in the process is to decide how a vacancy is to be filled this may be done internally i.e. from within the organization Training and development; this is the process of systematically guiding or teaching employees to do something by subjecting them to various exercises or experiences, so that they improve job-related skills and knowledge. Lack of tanning may lead to a reduction in the possible production level, to errors and waste. Training is key part of working life. It adds to the skills abilities of the labour force and thus increases its supply; it is also a great motivators. This helps to give employees a sense of purpose, also helps to improve performance this also helps to facilitate secondment, transfer or promotion Training for future needs is long-term investment. Performances management; this is a process of monitoring the performance and managing a particular activity going on in a business. This is commonly done for the employees. This helps to know how well employee is managing and performing in their different departments. This process can be done in various ways these includes appraisal scheme, reviews, self-evaluation, peer evaluation. All this helps to know how well each employee is doing. The processes stated above helps to motivates staffs therefore this signifies that if all this process of managing employees are meet there is likely to be improvement in the business. At the end of this portfolio I’ll be giving information about a large business, each specializes in beverages. Shayo Bright HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING Human resources function The human resources management covers a variety of activities. Some responsibilities covered by the human resources function are policy-making role, welfare role supporting role, bargaining and negotiating role educational and development role and administrative role. The type of work covered by Administrative role; this is concerned with the payment of staff’s wages at Kudirat Enterprises UK (payroll) and implementation of health and safety rules, sex discrimination act . Also at Kudirat Enterprises (UK) this includes human resources record keeping. The administrative role is important to the business because the work performed under this role act as incentive to staffs. This role is important as payment of staffs salary determines the quality of work a staff perform and the labour turnover. Managers use the HR record keeping during promotion to be able to know who is doing well. Welfare role; this role is concerned with looking after people working at Kudirat Enterprises Ltd UK and their need. At Kudirat Enterprises staffs compliance, communication and employees relation are under the welfare role. This role is important to Kudirat Enterprises Ltd UK as it determines the extent of staff motivation. If at Kudirat Enterprises Ltd (UK) their welfare role were poor, then staffs would not feel motivated, as their needs are not satisfied. Lack of motivation also leads to low productivity therefore affecting the business in general. Educational and development role; this role is concerned with the training and development of the workforce at Kudirat Enterprises Ltd (UK) responsibilities covered under this role is recruitment, training and development. This is important because employees are thought modern trends in the business and updated about changes during training. This helps Kudirat Enterprises Ltd (UK) to be more modernized and updated and this enables them to compete effectively among competitors. Supporting role; this role is concerned with helping other functional managers to develop their work. In Kudirat Enterprises Ltd (UK) the HR department does some work of the finance department. E.g. payroll. Also at Kudirat Enterprises Ltd (UK) other functional areas such as production and marketing are supported by the HR department in the training and recruitment of staffs. This is important as cooperation among different functional department bring about the growth of the business. It also enables them perform their jobs effectively. Contribution of the administrative function of the HR department of Kudirat Enterprises Ltd (UK) to the activities of the business. The main contribution of the administrative role to the department of Kudirat Enterprises Ltd (UK) is to maintain an effective workforce. This is done by paying salaries to workforce and giving them adequate and right benefit. This makes staffs feel more valued. Therefore they are motivated and their productivity increases. This therefore helps them perform the activities if the business amore effectively. Kudirat Enterprises Ltd (UK) main activity is production done by producing shoes. Also if the department of Kudirat Enterprises can maintain an effective workforce it means the labour turnover will be lower and the organization will be filled with competent people who have a fair knowledge of the business. In addition the administrative function of the human resource department at Kudirat Enterprises helps to ensure that the organisation is a safe place to work in, thereby eliminating direct or indirect discrimination and victimization. Internal staffing information These are internal factors with the business that enables them to carry out an effective human resource planning. Factor considered at Kudirat Enterprises Ltd (UK). Labour turnover; this is used in Kudirat Enterprises to determine the type of people leaving i.e. experienced or inexperienced people and section of the organisation with a high turnover. Also determine if there is need for a check in the reason for a high turnover. Labour turnover could be calculated in 2 ways: Labour stability rate (this is not the most accurate way of measuring turnover as it does not really give the exact). Wastage rate: this is used at Kudirat Enterprises. It is calculated: Wastage rate = Number of staff leaving in time period X 100 Number of staff leaving in time period Due to the fact that the HR department of Kudirat Enterprises (UK) ltd is young the labour turnover just started last year (but will continue to be done yearly). The labour turnover was recorded as 14%. This means that out of 240 employees 34 left i.e. 1 in 7 employees left the organisation. This is a very high turnover, which means productivity will be reduced. Also after the labour turnover was done at Kudirat Enterprises result showed that 19 out of the 34 employees who left were from production department. An ‘exist interview ‘was conducted in attempt to reduce this high turnover. Through this they found out that people felt the job was strenuous and boring. On the order hand, compared to the industry turnover of 20%, the turnover for Kudirat Enterprises was quite low. Age, skills and training; this information received last year as regard the age of employees working at Kudirat Enterprises Ltd (UK) . Age as to do with the length of services. The above information shows a most of employees at Kudirat Enterprises are aged between 25-50. This is good as it reduces the number of employees leaving as a result of retirement and old age sickness. It also shows that most employees are female staffs thereby increasing the leave vacation e.g. maternity leave and sickness leave (this is because women are prone to sickness than men).this might have a negative effect on Kudirat Enterprises Ltd. The skills and training is important to Kudirat Enterprises as it helps determine skills they need in future and identify the skills the work force posses a minimum of G.C.S.E. certificate and behavioral skills. Other internal staffing information are not used at Kudirat Enterprises Ltd (UK) because department is still young. This internal staffing information not used by Kudirat Enterprises Ltd (UK) is succession, sickness and accident rates. As the department is young statistics such as these as not taken in this regard formally but will soon be done. External Labour Market Information These are external factors that affect human resources planning. This factor includes; Government policies, Employment trends, Skills shortages, Competition from employers, Availability of labour. Not all external factors listed above affects Kudirat Enterprises (UK) Ltd. factors that affect human resource planning at Kudirat Enterprises includes the following: Competition from employees Kudirat Enterprises (UK) Ltd is interested in knowing whether it competitor such as E Map, IPC, Natmags are contracting or expanding. This is because if they are expanding labour wages will be increased and supply will be less. This usually have a negative impact on Kudirat Enterprises (UK) Ltd. On the hand if they are contracting will have a positive effect on Kudirat Enterprises (UK) Ltd as supply of labour increase and it is easier to recruit right sort of staffs. Availability of labour This will depends on such factors as age distribution of the population, attitude of working women and the extent to which young people stay at school. In the publishing industry there is always labour available, as it one of the best industries. Employment trends and Government policies As at April 16 2004, employment continues at record level.28.330 million people in work, in December to February according to the labour force survey -up to 183 thousand in the last 3 month and 318 thousand over the last year -a rate 74.9%. This is up 0.4% on the last quarter. This is gotten from the labour market statistic website. Human resource planning at Kudirat Enterprises (UK) Ltd is relevant to the labour market information as a fair knowledge of it helps in the planning of the human resources Labour market information relates to the HR planning because if these factors are not considered before planning then the plan is irrelevant as it is not updated. This helps Kudirat Enterprises (UK) Ltd in the following ways to plan their Human resources: This therefore has to do with the amount of money to be collected to the areas of human resources. This may be indicated through government policies. Secondly the number of workers to be employees. This indicated through competition from employees and availability of labour. Finally, the types and money to be allocated to training. An evaluation of the use of external labour information to plan human resources Kudirat Enterprises (UK) Ltd is affected by skills shortage because in this industry there are high level of skilled employee shortages a lot of unskilled and semi-skilled labour in the market as the skilled labour has employed. This has affected Kudirat Enterprises (UK) Ltd human resource planning as recruitment is planned mostly to be done internally. Also employment trends have little impact on Kudirat Enterprises (UK) Ltd. This is because recruitment is done internally. Government polices such as incentives given to organizations that employees train people affect Kudirat Enterprises (UK) Ltd HR planning in the sense that it determines the amount of money that want to allocate to recruitment and training The most essential external factor that affects Kudirat Enterprises (UK) Ltd is competition from employers. As Kudirat Company is a small business and therefore more likely to be impacted by action than macro changes in labour market. Popular sector never find difficult to find staff, but getting the BEST people requires engagement with competition. E.g. a competitor recently announced the closure of teen shoe, so they are now actively pursuing their people to join their teen shoe production titles. From the above it is clear that Kudirat Enterprises (UK) Ltd is using their external labour market information effectively to plan their Human resources. Kudirat Enterprises (UK) Ltd is not affected by availability of labour. This is because there is always adequate labour in the market. There is just question of is the labour well skilled or not. RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION This is the process whereby an organization selects the appropriate applicant or staffs fill the vacancies in the organization. Different organization use different recruitment documents e.g. application letters, application forms, curricula vitae, bio data, resumes etc. External Document At Kudirat Enterprises (UK) Ltd the following recruitment documents are used: Curricula Vitae This is a brief summary of your career to date and a little about yourself. This is used for initial application. Features of CV: * Name * Date of birth * Address * Telephone * Education and training * Qualification * Achievements * Interest and hobbies * Work experiences * Reference Some organization requires photographs at this stage, but at Kudirat Enterprises (UK) Ltd they are concerned about the equal opportunity implication and discourage this practice. The CV presents Kudirat Enterprises (UK) Ltd adequate information about application but Kudirat Enterprises does not rely on the CV only because: applicants omit negative statement about themselves thereby not presenting their true self, at times the applicant themselves might not prepare the CV, and also most times applicants are almost identical in terms of qualifications. Kudirat Enterprises (UK) Ltd uses this recruitment document because as it present adequate information at this stage of selection and enables them determines if the applicant is capable of performing the work through the work experience and qualification. The purpose of the CV is to determine how capable the applicant is of performing this job and it contains adequate information in this regard. Application letters and biographical data Due to the fact that Kudirat Enterprises (UK) Ltd is a manufacturing house they use letters of applications and bio data. This is used to check how interesting the applications are. This is necessary to Kudirat Enterprises because the need staffs with good fashion and designing skills. Application letters have no basis features but it must contain your: i. Name ii. Address iii. Contribution you can make towards the organization. iv. Skills and knowledge you have acquired. Bio data consist of systematic information about hobbies, interest and life history. It helps HF to reduce staff turnover as candidates are matched with existing staff with similar interest can be found. This recruitment document doesn’t provide enough information enough information as nothing is known about the applicant’s disability or criminal distinguishes them from others. It purposes is to find out how interesting the application is it contains adequate information for this purpose. Application forms These are the best recruitment document as it contains every detail of the applicants but Kudirat Enterprises (UK) Ltd does not use it. This is because the HR of Kudirat Enterprises (UK) Ltd is just a little over 2 year old. An application form would develop later in future. Internal recruitment documents The internal recruitment documents at Kudirat Enterprises (UK) Ltd are not formally developed yet. They are currently developing recruitment standards and the important thing for us is to develop a range of templates and guide lines that will enable managers to manage their own recruitment legally and effectively. Managers must complete an authority to recruit form to get permission to start the recruitment process. This is the only formal paperwork they have at present. Factors to consider in planning filling a vacancy and carrying out interviews Organisation recruit because many reasons. At Kudirat Enterprises (UK) Ltd recruitment is done if there is a dismissal, resignation or retirement and changing job roles within the business. Different factors are considered when planning to a fill vacancy by different organisation. Some of the factors considered at Kudirat Enterprises (UK) Ltd are; whether there will be need for a role (spread work between others, special project)? Can it be filled internally (internally means the employees at Kudirat Enterprises (UK) Ltd), could it be filled via referrals/word of mouth (this is when employees at Kudirat Enterprises recommends people for the job). Can it also be filled via ‘free to use’ channels; advertising (this is mostly used when looking for managers)? Also at Kudirat Enterprises (UK) Ltd following procedures are carried out; Advertisement: When it is discovered that the vacancy can’t be filled internally Kudirat Enterprises (UK) Ltd advertise for the job. Kudirat Enterprises (UK) Ltd advertisement is carried out in Media Guardian, press Gazette mainly and also some website for specific jobs. Advertisement done by Kudirat Enterprises (UK) Ltd contains the following information such as job titles, duties and responsibilities, salary expectation, Address and contact, qualification and experience needed, closing date of qualification. Short listing: After the advertisement has been places different application letters and CVs are dropped at the head office of Kudirat Enterprises (UK) Ltd. After all these has been received i.e. a week after the closing date, the short listing process is carried out at Kudirat Enterprises (UK) Ltd. Short listing is the process of ejecting application letters and CVs that does not meet the set or required standard. Factors considered at Kudirat Enterprises during short would include Qualification; people with higher qualification are selected, as qualification is an ingredient in person specifications. Also this helps prepare you for the job. Experience and competencies; it has a greater advantage as people with higher experience perform their work in the most effective way. Applicants with higher experience have an advantage as they are selected. Competence is the ability of someone to perform a particular job. At Kudirat Enterprises (UK) Ltd competence is measured or checked through what is stated in the application and contribution the applicant can make towards the organization. Hobbies and interest; this is also considered by Kudirat Enterprises (UK) Ltd because it is a production factory. This is mostly considered by them to give them a competitive edge in there designing of shoe. This also considered when recruiting people in the marketing department and journalist. After this process kudirat Enterprises (UK) Ltd send letter to the list of successful candidates whose name has been short-listed. At Kudirat Enterprises (UK) Ltd for every one job ten people are chose at this stage. The letter inviting them for an interview contains information such as; Venue of the interview, time and date of the interview and letter also indicates that they were successful. Interviews: After the letters have been sent, then the interview process is next. The interview done at Kudirat Enterprises (UK) Ltd is an informal interview (i.e. an oral interview). This is because they believe words of mouth applicants are likely to stay longer. The interview is conducted by a penal of 5 people including a member of the board of governor, HR director and a representative of the department, which has the vacancy. The other 2 people are chosen randomly. The panels assess the following: body language, eye contact, ability to give the right answer to the question asked and fluency in English. This form of interview is not the most suitable as it discriminatory as the panel already knows who they want the minute the applicant walks in. It tales them 2 days at Kudirat Enterprises (UK) Ltd to comply their interview result and decide the applicant they want. The panel does not only takes the decision but also everyone in the HR department and the department in which the vacancy is to be filled. This enables them to select the most competent and outstanding applicant. Recruitment process at Kudirat Enterprises (UK) Ltd At Kudirat Enterprises (UK) Ltd job vacancies are filled internally. This is done through promotion and spread work. Recruitment is done internally because; it helps in innovating employee,